
“ChatGPT told me this was impossible. So glad I found this…”
That is what our users are saying about our tools, and this week, as a thank you for the community, we’re having a heavily discounted “Black Friday” sale. However, this will go on beyond "Black Friday" and for an entire week!
Starting today, and until next Monday, you can benefit from discounts of up to 90%, depending on the plans you select.
Here are the details:
If you’re not familiar with our tools, we currently offer 11 Revit Addins. 6 are free, 1 is intended as a joke, and four are subscription-based.
Our four subscription-based apps are Bird Tools – Tag Alignment Tool, priced at 10 USDs/User/Year, Bird Tools – Automatic Tag Stacker, also at 10 USDs/User/Year, Bird Tools – Clash Preventor, at 20 USDs/User/Year, and Bird Tools – Raven, at 49.5 USDs/User/Year.
As you can see, and compared with any subscription-based AEC software solution, our offerings are already very affordable. But it gets better: we offer standard multi-seat discounted licenses all year round as well, with discounts up to 30%. You can find all those standard plans as well as more information about each app on our App Store:
This “Black Friday” week, we are introducing some even more discounted subscription plans for each of those apps (which may persist even after the week is over) and throughout the entire week, we’ll be offering discounted coupon codes for those new discounted plans as well so that the discounts get even more significant.
Here are the newly introduced discounted plans:
1. Long-Term Plans
As you may know, we’ve been offering Revit addins since 2018, and many current users of ours committed to our subscription plans back then and never cancelled their subscriptions. So, we thought: why not just offer longer plans for a discounted fee? And that’s what we did! You can find hereafter new long-term multi-seat plans, where you can benefit from a 3-Year subscription at an additional 10% discount. And throughout this week, you can use the coupon code 2024_10 on these plans and get an additional discount of 10%, for a total of 20%! Here are the links to the new long-term plans:
Clash Preventor:
Tag Alignment Tool:
Automatic Tag Stacker:
2. Unlimited Annual Plans
These offerings are heavily discounted plans where you can benefit from a discount of up to 55% depending on the number of users that you may have. But that’s not the only advantage that these plans offer: the main advantage is that you can subscribe once per year to those unlimited plans, and any user with an email address that falls under your company’s domain name would be able to use the tool, without you having to add or remove or manage any user lists. Hence the unlimited part. Those plans save you and your company time, by eliminating the time needed to manage users, and money, by being up to 55% discounted! And it gets even better: this “Black Friday” week, you can use the coupon code 2024_15 and benefit from an additional discount of 15%! That’s up to 70% off the usual price depending on the number of users you have! Here are links to the new unlimited plans:
Clash Preventor:
Tag Alignment Tool:
Automatic Tag Stacker:
3. Unlimited Long-Term Plans
These offerings are combinations of both of the aforementioned plans, where unlimited annual plans have been extended to a 3-year validity in exchange for an additional 10% discount! And for an entire week, you can use the coupon code 2024_25 on these plans and benefit from an additional discount of 25%! That would amount to more that 90% off the standard pricing and is applicable to all our apps! Here are links to the new unlimited long-term plans:
Clash Preventor:
Tag Alignment Tool:
Automatic Tag Stacker:
Hurry up and benefit from all those discounts before next Monday!
If you need more information or prefer an alternative payment method, feel free to contact us at and we’ll be happy to assist you further.
And remember, all of the aforementioned tools are free to try, so we invite you to give them a test drive for a couple of days before committing. We’re pretty confident that you’ll fall in love with them immediately! We would also love to receive your feedback when you give them a try.
2024-12-03 - Update: Since “it’s the season”, last week’s “Black Friday” discounted offers have been extended until the end of the year! Cheers!