
We are happy to announce the release of the latest update for Bird Tools - Clash Preventor: v4.2, with support for Revit 2025, has been released and is now available on our website and will be available soon on the Autodesk App Store.
You may get the latest update here.
We are also happy to share with you that we are working on a revamped v5.0 of the tool and that plenty of our users have been testing alpha versions of that upcoming release and are reporting positive feedback about the new additions (which will be revolutionary) and suggesting even more features. We are taking our time to implement all the new features that our users have suggested as we aim to release products that are as perfect as possible and because we take our users' input seriously.
v5.0 is currently at the “Alpha 2” pre-release stage. If you are interested in giving that parallel development branch a test, please contact us by email and we’ll be happy to send you an installer for that particular alpha version. You may find our contact details here.