Free NavisExport

Batch export Autodesk® Revit® models and 3D views to Navisworks® "NWC" files. Supports BIM 360 models through Forge as well.

    Version 5.0

    Autodesk® App Store Rating: 5/5   (18 Reviews)



"Free NavisExport" is a free Autodesk® Revit® Add-in that makes batch export of Revit models and 3D Views to Autodesk® Navisworks® "NWC" files possible.

A simple user form allows the user to select the models to be exported (whether they are in the same directory or in separate directories, or whether they are hosted on BIM 360 Design) and the output folder.

The entire models can be exported automatically, which is a huge time saver. The user can also specify individual 3D views to be exported across several models based on a view name keyword, and all Navisworks Export settings can be specified through the user interface.

Autodesk Revit 2017 to 2025 editions are all supported.

For detailed installation and usage instructions, please refer to the official help document. You may find it here.


Free Download

Free Download - Bird Tools Mirror: redirects to the app's download page on Bird Tools' website where users can download the app for free. Guaranteed to have the latest version.

Free Download - Autodesk® App Store Mirror: redirects to the app's page on the Autodesk® App Store where users can download the app for free. Not guaranteed to always have the latest version.

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